Dinahmite would always pull a disappearing act on Bandade's President, Chris, who had seen this dog for several months while taking and picking up her daughter, Sadie, from school. Chris became concerned that she would lose sight of and never catch this large pup, who always seemed to be with a black dog. If she talked to them the pair would run away, but Chris did not give up, leaving food for them each time she drove by for month after month.
One day Sadie saw the dog coming out from underneath an old church next to the local Wal-Mart in Missouri City, Texas. At that point Chris began putting water and food under the church. Eventually, the large, gray dog became familiar with Chris, allowing Chris to grab her one evening. She was also able to set up a trap and caught the dog's black companion.
Upon taking the pair to the vet, Chris discovered that Dinahmite was nursing puppies, but it did not appear that the puppies belonged to her. The puppies belonged to her black companion.
Chris rushed back to the church the next day and was able to pay a guy who was working on a nearby yard to crawl underneath the church in search for the puppies. When he crawled out, he explained that he had seen them, but they appeared to be dead. Devastated, Chris asked him to retrieve the puppies for her, regardless. She was determined to at least provide them with a decent burial. However, the puppies were only sleeping, and there were 12 total! Bandade Animal Rescue was able to take Dinahmite's foster puppies and adopt each one out to loving homes.

(Dinahmite's Foster Puppies)
Dinahmite, however, had many medical issues due to the fact that she had birthed so many puppies and had likely had no medical care for her entire life. She had heartworms that were so bad the vet was nervous that she would not live through the treatments. After 5 months at the vet, Chris decided to bring the sweet dog to her home to live out the remainder of her life. The vet warned Chris that Dinahmite did not have very long to live.

(Dinahmite's After Picture)
Dinahmite lived with Chris for close to 9 months before she passed away. The important thing is that she died with one thing every dog should have...
a loving family.